
Fallout 4: the game that thinks it’s a Terminator movie?

A new trailer for post-World-War-3 survival game Fallout 4 reveals a story arc that has a distinctly Terminator-ish feel to it. Did those damn robots kill this world, too? A pox on you Skynet!

The game finally arrives Tuesday, November 10th 2015.

Fallout 4: the game that thinks it's a Terminator movie?
Fallout 4: the game that thinks it’s a Terminator movie?


Colonel Frog is a long time science fiction and fantasy fan. He loves reading novels in the field, and he also enjoys watching movies (as well as reading lots of other genre books).

One thought on “Fallout 4: the game that thinks it’s a Terminator movie?

  • I think this is a legit concern. I actually loved the terminator/synth idea as the main source of strife. However, they never actually say what started the war between China and America, they could make it a skynet situation. Though it would probably be more like War Games.

    Still, this game tends to be about human stupidity and mistakes, not robot ones. I think it’ll be more of a Geth-like morality situation. Are they sentient or not? What kind of rights does this machine deserve?


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